NITTA’s lebensmittelgeeignete, endlose Gurtlösung für Maschinen zur Papierstrohhalm Produktion

June 4, 2020

Höherer „Return on Investment (ROI)” durch verlängerte Lebensdauer Nittas innovativer Wickelgurt für die Papier-Trinkhalm-Herstellung, der nahtlose SE-XA-PGG-F, besitzt eine hervorragend verlängerte Produktlebenszeit und entspricht den Richtlinien der FDA*. Er erfüllt somit die Anforderungen der Nahrungsmittel- und Getränkeindustrie. Im Mai 2019 erließ der Rat der Europäischen Union eine Richtlinie mit neuen Einschränkungen bezüglich Wegwerfprodukten aus Plastik, … Continue reading “NITTA’s lebensmittelgeeignete, endlose Gurtlösung für Maschinen zur Papierstrohhalm Produktion”

Papier-Hülsen-Herstellung mit dem Zeroseam™ Gurt

February 5, 2020

Die erste Wahl für die Papierhülsen-Herstellung Oberfläche: NBR-Gummi, texturiert Produziert Papierhülsen unter geringer Spannung Energiesparend Langlebig Übertrifft Konkurrenzprodukte bei Weitem

Polysprint for Paper and Cardboard Packaging – Introducing XHTG-15E34

November 12, 2018

Not just since the advent of eCommerce has the paper and packaging sector been one of the fastest growing markets for the belting industry, demanding high quality belting products that fit the industries unique requirements. It comes as no surprise that Nitta is continuously developing new products and product improvements for this growing market. The … Continue reading “Polysprint for Paper and Cardboard Packaging – Introducing XHTG-15E34”

Super flexible tubes for spot welding – FUK Tubes

August 6, 2018

In order to extend the lifetime of tubes in spot welding applications, Nitta developed a new type of tube which features a much higher flexibility compared to both Nittas previous tubes for the application as well as competitor products – the FUK series. Existing tubes for spot welding applications achieve their flame resistance through a … Continue reading “Super flexible tubes for spot welding – FUK Tubes”

LB70 High flexibility hose for compact piping

July 9, 2018

With the LB70 Series, Nittas newest addition to the Linemate line of Hydraulic Hoses is even more flexible and allows for more compact piping. Compared to wire-braided rubber hoses, Nittas Linemate line of Hydraulic hoses, made from resin, provides its users with a more flexible product while exhibiting very high bend resistance at the same … Continue reading “LB70 High flexibility hose for compact piping”